Cosmin Moți (40 de ani), directorul tehnic al celor de la Ludogorets, a acordat un interviu în Antalya, în care a abordat mai multe subiecte de interes din fotbalul românesc. Moți se află în Antalya alături de Ludogorets, pentru cantonamentul de iarnă. Bulgarii au jucat deja un amical cu o echipă din România. Pe 7 ianuarie, FC Botoșani și Ludogorets au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1. ...
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Cosmin Moți, a Romanian football manager, believes Romanian players are becoming increasingly expensive and demanding. He shares this viewpoint while in Antalya.
The text is likely discussing his upcoming project, possibly with a specific team, and his frank assessment of the current Romanian football transfer market. There might be specific mentions about FCSB and Dinamo within the article, delving deeper into his thoughts on these particular clubs.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Cosmin Moți, a Romanian football manager, believes Romanian players are becoming increasingly expensive and demanding. He shares this viewpoint while in Antalya. The text is likely discussing his upcoming project, possibly with a specific team, and his frank assessment of the current Romanian football transfer market. There might be specific mentions about FCSB and Dinamo within the article, delving deeper into his thoughts on these particular clubs.